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1997 FWOC Resolution No. 20:


Mount Graham, located 60 miles northeast of Tucson, Arizona, has an elevation of over 11,000 feet and contains more life zones than any other mountain in North America.  It is an unique ecosystem that sustains over 20 species of plants and animals found nowhere else.  It harbors a magnificent relic stand of ancient spruce/fir forest, which is the critical habitat for the Mt. Graham red squirrel, a federally listed endangered species.
Mount Graham is also the most sacred site for the San Carlos Apache tribe, whose reservation is at the base of the mountain.  The mountain is an integral part of Apache spirituality and healing arts, involving the special herbs, water and life of the mountain, all of which are necessary for the performance of certain traditional Apache ceremonies.  It is also the site of a number of traditional Apache burials.
The University of Arizona, located in Tucson, has long been in the "astronomy business," not only operating a number of observatories, but also actually manufacturing and selling to other astronomers the ground glass mirrors which are used in all observatories.  In the mid 1980's, it searched for a site for a new "nest" of telescopes which would be close enough to Tucson to take prospective customers for their mirrors and show them one in actual operation.  Despite the fact that there were 38 better sites in and around Arizona, Mt. Graham was selected because of its proximity to potential customers.

This site selection was bitterly opposed by both Apaches and environmentalists.  So the University, with the aid of their Congressional delegation, got the project exempt from all environmental laws by a rider to the 1997 appropriation bill.  The President's Council on Historic Preservation declared the project in violation of the National Historic Preservation Act.  Nevertheless, the telescope promoters have applied for a large grant from the National Science Foundation to continue their building program.
The Federation of Western Outdoor Clubs goes on record as being in total opposition to the Mount Graham telescope project, because of its abuse and misuse of governmental power, its serious impact on an endangered species and a rare ancient forest, its violation of due process and its desecration of an Apache sacred site.  We urge the National Science Board to withhold National Science Foundation funding from this and any other project that avoids full compliance with our Nation's environmental and cultural protection laws.  We urge our friends in the environmental community in Italy and Germany to assist in helping to end support in Germany and Italy for this Project.

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