![]() 1982 RESOLUTIONS
No. 30 |
Endrin is a highly toxic,
chlorinated hydrocarbon pesticide that in some species is as much as
200 times toxic as DDT. It is extremely persistent,
bioaccumulative, a suspected carcinogen, and has been proven to be the
cause of massive fish, wildlife, and human poisoning throughout the
world. Endrin is widely used as a rodenticide in orchards and
forest lands of Washington, despite the fact that it has been cited by
the Department of Game as causing mortality in Washington birds as long
ago as 1975. |
Alternative chemical and
non-chemical control methods exist to control orchard and forest
rodents, while no studies to date have documented the efficacy of
endrin in controlling those rodents, the actual degree of damage caused
by rodents, and the possibility of resistance developing in those
rodents. |
The Federation of Western
Outdoor Clubs joins with environmental groups in Washington state to
urge an immediate and total ban on the use of Endrin in the state of
Washington. |
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