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No. 9

A hasty leasing of vast tracts of the Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) at giveaway prices has been instituted by Secretary of the Interior Clark and is now underway.  In addition to the OCS leases, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has issued permits to explore Alaskan Wildlife Refuges for oil.

OCS leases have been sold on areas totaling six times the area of Indiana.  Enormous lease sales are supplying the resource companies faster than they can implement the leases.  Already seismic explorations are proceeding with giant bulldozers pulling sleds which damage the tundra in wildlife refuges.

The oil industry claims development of Alaska's resources is necessary for energy independence.  At the same time it is seeking to sell oil to Japan contrary to the Export Administration Act.  This would increase corporation oil profits without lowering prices for American consumers.

The public will suffer a tremendous loss if this exploitation of the Alaskan oil resources continues:

* National security is enhanced if we husband these resources as a strategic petroleum reserve.

* Fisheries and multiple forms of sea life are endangered by oil spills, accidents to which pack ice and extreme weather conditions are conducive.

* The true value of the resource can be realized only if sold internally and carefully over a period of time.

* This oil development is opposed by the state of Alaska, by the major fishery industries of the Alaskan coast, native communities and a coalition of national environmental organizations.

Therefore, in view of the tremendous economic and environmental loss and the opposition by the state of Alaska to this planned oil exploitation program, the Federation of Western Outdoor Clubs urges the Department of the Interior to halt this hasty and excessive Outer Continental Shelf development and exploration in the National Wildlife Refuges.

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