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Just four months after Gov. Walter J. Hickel announced cancellation of plans for aerial wolf hunts, the Alaska Department of Fish and Game submitted two new proposals to the Board of Game for reducing the wolf population by any means - trapping, snaring, shooting, shooting from aircraft or from snowmobiles between October 1, 1993 and April 30, 1994.  Beginning as early as July 1, 1993 the state intends to kill up to 80% of the wolves in two areas in eastern Alaska (the GMU 20A Control Area and the Upper Tanana/Fortymile Control Area) - totaling 13,800 square miles.  This kill quota is in addition to the 1,000 wolves routinely killed each year.
Biologists recognize that a healthy wolf population is essential for healthy herds of moose and caribou.  Wolves take out the weak, the old and the diseased, thus maintaining a proper balance between the sizes of the moose and caribou herds and the food supply available to them.  State officials want to kill off such large numbers of wolves in response to the politically powerful sport hunting industry.  Moose and Caribou herds suffered from a severe winter last year and continue to be decimated by human activities.  On the short road between Seward and Anchorage, 172 moose were killed by automobiles in 1992.  However, it is easier to blame predators like wolves and bears than to curb motorists or limit sport hunters.  Alaska still has a healthy, functioning ecosystem, naturally balanced and complete with wild predators.  Instead, state officials are trying to turn these areas into game ranches for trophy hunters.
The Federation of Western Outdoor Clubs calls upon Gov. Hickel to permanently cancel all plans for eradication of  the wolf population.  He should issue orders to protect the biodiversity of Alaska's wilderness areas by leaving wolves, bear and other predators alone in their habitat areas.

Address of Governor Walter J. Hickel
P.O. Box 110001
Juneau, Alaska 99811-0001

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