Clark county, Washington purchased the Chelatchie Prairie road with
uses in mind. The vision of the Chinook Trail as shown in the
Washington state trails plan follows the route of the Chelatchie
Prairie road, and the original Clark county trails plan indicated a
trail alongside the rail line. The trail would extend from
to Yacolt, a distance of some 30 miles.
There is very rapid growth, both residential and industrial, along the
rail corridor, and
also a very rapidly accelerating population growth pattern established
in Clark county,
with a number of communities spreading along the rail corridor.
Several schools and communities look forward to the possibility of
utilizing the rail
corridor for recreational activities. Vancouver and Clark county
have received a million
dollar grant promoting wellness, and health fitness providers list
exercise as a number
one component of maintaining a healthy body. Trails near homes
provide an
inexpensive method of maintaining physical vigor.
Economic development in Clark county is a vital part of planning for
the future, and
recent designation as a National Recreation Trail of the completed 29
miles of the Chinook Trail will bring users to the county and provide
an economic boost to the local economy. Completing the Chelatchie
Prairie Trail for its entire length will assist in connecting the
Columbia River lowlands with the foothills of the Cascades.
Funding is available to develop alternative transportation corridors
such as the
proposed Chelatchie Prairie Trail, connecting Yacolt, Battleground, and
Vancouver, as
well as a number of business and industrial entities. Discovery
Trail, Ellen Davis Trail,
and Bells Mountain Trail on either side of the proposed Chelatchie
Prairie Trail are
already completed as part of the Chinook Trail.
The Federation of Western Outdoor Clubs endorses the concept of a trail
following the Chelatchie Prairie railroad corridor and urges its prompt
completion. The Federation recommends incorporating the vision of
the Chinook Trail in
developing the BIKE, HIKE, AND EQUESTRIAN option in the Clark county
master plan.