![]() RESOLUTIONS2008 resolution #8Home About the FWOC Join the FWOC Member Organizations Adopted Resolutions Outdoors West Officers Current List of Conservation Developments with Bush Administration History Policy Summary Convention Schedule Related Links Site Map |
![]() BACKGROUND: The proposed Palomar liquefied natural gas (LNG) 36” pipeline route crosses 40 miles of the Mt. Hood National Forest and would cause over 500 acres of clear-cut, including several units of Late-Successional Reserves (LSR) - old growth forests. If this project were proposed as a timber harvest, it would be illegal. By clear cutting through LSR in the name of energy company profits, the Palomar Pipeline would destroy what so many Oregonians have worked hard to save. One third (27%) of Oregonians drinking water originates from the slopes of Mt. Hood and the Mt. Hood National Forest. The proposed pipeline route crosses 15 creeks and rivers, hundreds of small streams, tributaries, and wetlands – including the Wild and Scenic Clackamas River. The resulting construction on bare, steep, unstable slopes with high potential for slides and erosion would degrade integral watersheds and important fish bearing streams. The pipeline route poses continued concern for the growing abuse of public lands by off-road vehicles. The Palomar Pipeline proposal threatens quiet recreation in national forest lands, while encouraging illegal off road vehicle use and resource destruction. The NW Natural Gas Company wants the pipeline project though the Mt. Hood National forest with or without the terminal and pipeline from the Oregon coast. This project opens the door for additional public forest destruction from multi modal energy corridors through our public and private forestland. RESOLUTION: 1. The FWOC strongly opposes the sitting of the proposed Palomar pipeline though the Mt. Hood National Forest from the gate station near Molalla across the Cascade Mountains to central Oregon. 2. The FWOC urges the use of existing right of way easements for transporting natural gas. 3. The FWOC urges the United States Congress to amend the 2005 Bush/Cheney energy bill to return control to the states for sitting of energy facilities and pipelines. 4. The FWOC urges the governor of the state of Oregon to continue using whatever power he has to stop this project, encourage conservation, and promote development of non fossil fuel energy sources within the state. Submitted by the Mazamas Contact: Mazamas, Joan Zuber zuberj@juno.com next >> |
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