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FWOC's Mission

1. Unite its member clubs behind a shared agenda of conservation goals.

2. Help its member clubs become more effective in their own conservation work

3. Lend its support to the conservation campaigns of allied groups that specialize in given issues (in pursuit of its shared agenda).

4. Help its member clubs find solutions to their operating problems through sharing information about solutions that some may have found. .

A Compilation of the Essential Points of Resolutions Adopted by the Federation of Western Outdoor Clubs at Annual Conventions in the Period 1990-2021

2024 Resolutions

2024-1 Logging Should Stop Among California's Giant Sequoias
2024-2 Protect Drainages in Southern Oregon from Strip Mining
2024-3 Stop Logging in Federal Forests Until an EIS is Prepared
2024-4 Backing FWS Plan to Cull Numbers of Barred Owls in Old-Growth Forests to Aid Recovery of North Spotted Owls
2024-5 Stop Using Salt as a Deicer on Roads in Snowy Areas and Use Alternatives Instead
2024-6 Opposing Projects to Remove Pinyon Pines and Junipers from BLM Lands
2024-7 California's Shasta Dam Should not be Raised
2024-8 Supporting Efforts to Reintroduce Sea Otters Along Oregon's Coast
2024-9 Protecting Eelgrass in Bays And Estuaries Along the Oregon Coast
2024-10 Opposition to Expanding a Long Natural Gas Pipeline Through Northwest States
2024-11 Opposing The Rogue Gold And Poor Windy Timber Sales In Old Growth Forests Near Gold Hill And Grants Pass, Oregon
2024-12 Opposing Military Training Flights Over Wilderness Areas In The North Cascades
2024-13 Urging President Biden to Declare Colorado's Dolores Canyon as a National Monument
2024-14 Opposition to Mining near Montana's Blue-Joint Wilderness Study Area
2024-15 Mission Mountains Wilderness in Western Montana Should be Managed Under the Wilderness Act
2024-16 BLM's Control Over Grazing

Upcoming Events

To be announced

Established in 1932 for Mutual Service and for the Promotion of the Proper Use, Enjoyment
and Protection of America's Scenic Wilderness and Outdoor Recreation Resources