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FWOC's Mission

1. Unite its member clubs behind a shared agenda of conservation goals.

2. Help its member clubs become more effective in their own conservation work

3. Lend its support to the conservation campaigns of allied groups that specialize in given issues (in pursuit of its shared agenda).

4. Help its member clubs find solutions to their operating problems through sharing information about solutions that some may have found. .

A Compilation of the Essential Points of Resolutions Adopted by the Federation of Western Outdoor Clubs at Annual Conventions in the Period 1990-2021

2023 Resolutions

2023-1: Controls Needed on Pollution from Kootenai Coal Mines along the U.S.-Canadian Border
2023-2: Thanking President Biden for Banning Roads on Nine Million Acres in the Tongass National Forest in Southeast Alaska
2023-3: Stopping Old Growth Logging by the BLM On O & C Lands in Southern Oregon
2023-4: Opposition to Putting a Big Pipeline in the Red Rocks Lakes Wilderness in Montana
2023-5: Opposition to De-Listing the California Sea Otter
2023-6: Opposition to the Grasshopper Timber Sale on the Mt. Hood National Forest
2023-7: Opposition to Work on a Dam on Eightmile Lake in the Alpine Lakes Wilderness in WA
2023-8: Restoration of Habitat in the Klamath Drainage
2023-9: Use of Natural Gas should be Reduced because of the Effects of all its Methane
2023-10: Re-Thinking what we should do at Hanford
2023-11: Getting EPA to Intervene in a Nitrate Problem in Eastern Oregon Counties
2023-12: Support for Wilderness Designation of Oregon’s Owyhee Canyonlands
2023-13: Problems with Newest Inventories of Mature and Old-Growth Forests on Federal Forests
2023-14: Mount St. Helens and the Green River Valley are No Place for a Mine

Upcoming Events

1. Annual Meeting Announcement

Saturday, September 21, 2024
10 am - 1 pm
Both a Zoom Teleconference option and an in-person attendance option (Portland, OR) will be available for this meeting; details will follow.

All Member Organizations are encouraged and to send their delegate for voting.

2. Call for Draft Resolutions - Please send to john rettig <> and  include the following:

Name (member organiation or individual member)
e-mail address and phone number
Website URL (if there is one)
Contact person (name, title, e-mail, phone)
Resoltuion Title or Topic
Background (explination, history, status, etc)
Proposed resolution (what should FWOC do?)
Other suggested actions 

Established in 1932 for Mutual Service and for the Promotion of the Proper Use, Enjoyment
and Protection of America's Scenic Wilderness and Outdoor Recreation Resources