![]() 1990 RESOLUTIONS
3. | ||
ISSUE | A bill introduced this
year into Congress by Senator Steve Symms and Representative Larry
Craig, Idaho, and titled "The National Recreational Trails Fund Act"
was drafted by the Blue Ribbon Coalition, an off-highway vehicle
lobbying group. In essence the bill will release from the Federal
Highway Trust Fund the gas taxes of some $50 million a year paid by
off-road vehicle users and will make available monies for trail
maintenance and construction. The General Accounting Office
reports that almost 59,000 miles of public trails need to be improved
with a price tag of $195 million. |
States would apply for
grants from the trail fund. The applications would be considered
by an eight-person panel appointed by the Secretary of the Interior and
"balanced" among motorized off-road vehicle users, hikers, bikers, and
cross-country skiers. |
The F.W.O.C. is concerned
that funding of hiking trails by motorized vehicle taxes will favor
motorbike control. Motorbikes are not compatible with hikers and
horsemen on trails. |
The Federation of Western
Outdoor Clubs does not recommend passage of the National Recreational
Trails Fund Act. Furthermore, all land under the Wilderness Act
and defacto wilderness must continue to be prohibited to all wheeled
vehicles. |
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