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1995 FWOC Resolution No. 16:

The recommendations of the Clayoquot Sound Scientific Report have been adopted by the provincial government to apply to forestry practices in this part of British Columbia.  This is a breakthrough in improving logging practices after decades of unrestricted clearcutting.
The comprehensive report includes some 127 recommendations, the most significant of which are:
1.  That the planning process shall focus on which trees should be retained rather than which trees shall be removed.
2.  No logging shall take place in pristine watersheds until the necessary scientific assessments have been made.
3.  Restrictions were placed on road construction and stronger protection was provided for streams.
4.  An expanded role was provided for native tribes in managing nearby forests, and
5.  Site-specific recommendations were made that take into consideration biodiversity requirements.

The Federation of Western Outdoor Clubs endorses the recommendations above noted.  It applauds the positive action of the Honorable Mike Harcourt, the Premier of British Columbia, who implemented the recommendations of the Scientific Panel.
The Federation strongly supports that these recommendations be extended to cover logging practices throughout British Columbia.

FWOC members and member clubs are urged to send a copy of the above resolution to:  The Honorable Mike Harcourt, Premier of British Columbia, Parliament Buildings, Victoria, B.C., along with any comments of their own that they may have on this issue.  It is also suggested that a copy of this Resolution along with appropriate commentary that points out the Premier's action as a politician's positive action in resource management be sent to your state's congressional delegations and governor of western timber-producing states, and to Jack W. Thomas, Chief of the U.S. Forest Service, PO Box 96090, Washington, DC 20090-6090.

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