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1995 FWOC Resolution No. 26:

Environmentally-perceptive people from all over this planet are aware of and deeply concerned about the environmental affects of global warming.
The Federation of Western Outdoor Clubs has previously expressed its opinion about this grave matter previously because:
o  We are convinced it is a real phenomenon, and is not a short-term weather fluctuation.
o  We know that human-kinds' contribution to it must be curtailed.
o  We know that if prompt and effect action to curtail it isn't soon taken, irreversible and catastrophic changes to the world's climate and its environments and all its creatures will inevitably result.
One of human-kinds' major contribution to it is carbon dioxide (CO2) which is derived mainly from combustion of carbonaceous fossil fuels and biomass for transportation, heating, and generation of electrical power.

Based on its assessment, the FWOC recommends its members and member clubs consider the following:

1.  So that they, too, can become safe, reliable, large-scale sources of electrical energy, basic and applied research on alternative energy sources by public and private research should be accelerated and well-funded.

As of now, the only such safe, reliable, large-scale sources are carbon based-fuels, with their now completely unacceptable effects on global warming, hydro-electric power, with its often unacceptable effects on riverine and agricultural environments, or free-flowing recreation, and nuclear power.  The latter is the most environmentally benign of the three large-scale power sources, but is often the focus of public fear and concern.

2.  Basic and applied research to make the combustion processes more fuel-efficient, and also to improve the overall efficiency of electrical devices must be accelerated and well-funded.  Putting into practice any such improvements discovered will cause an immediate reduction in carbon dioxide emissions.

3.  Environmental regulations must be strengthened so as to phase-out fuel inefficient operations and replaced them with more fuel-efficient ones that will minimize CO2 emissions.

4.  When new large-scale power plants are proposed, environmentally-concerned individuals and groups should first demand implementation of a vigorous energy conservation campaign by the respective public utilities.  When new power plants must be built, and alternative technologies cannot provide the electrical services required, on a site specific basis, the preference of environmentalists should first be hydro-electric plants, then nuclear power plants, and only as a last resort fossil-fuel plants.

5.  In light of the above logic, the FWOC suggests that all member club/affiliates objectively re-evaluate their policies regarding nuclear power, nuclear fuel reprocessing in the U.S., and consider changes to these policies that reflect that this nation's 110 nuclear power plants are already safely and reliably providing one-fourth of this country's electricity.


FWOC members and member clubs urged to send copies of the above Resolution to their Congressional representatives, their State Governor, to public utilities in their state, and to:
Hazel O'Leary,
Secretary, Department of Energy
Forrestal Building, 1000 Independence Avenue SW
Washington, DC 20585

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