1996 FWOC
No. 15:
The Federation of Western
Outdoor Clubs reaffirms its Resolution no. 8, as adopted at the
Federation's 1993 Annual Meeting, and Resolution No. 26 as adopted at
the 1985 Annual Meeting. These Resolutions endorsed the removal
of two dams on the Elwha River, namely the Lower Elwha Dam and the
Glines Canyon Dam. The Lower Elwha dam is within the Olympic
National Park.
Congress has since
authorized the removal of these dams, but has not appropriated the
necessary funding for their removal.
The Federation of Western
Outdoor Clubs requests that Congress appropriate the necessary funds to
remove these dams, and also to restore the related ecosystems, and
their salmon spawning areas.
The Federation of Western Outdoor Clubs
urges its members and Member Clubs to send a copy of the above
Resolution along with comments of their own concerning dam removal and
restoration of the ecosystem to what it was originally, to:
President Clinton
The Congressional delegations of the
western states