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1997 FWOC Resolution No. 15:


First enacted in 1973, the Endangered Species Act, is our strongest environmental law.  That is because once a species is listed as "threatened" or "endangered" under its terms, no public agency or private person or corporation can kill or "take" such a species.  This requirement is absolute.
Because the Act is so strong, and because it is our only law which emphasizes the primacy of scientific findings over economics, it has come under heavy attack from developers, logging and mining interests, and their political allies.  There have been repeated efforts to weaken or repeal it, especially in recent years.  All these efforts have failed because public support for the Act is so strong.
At the same time, there is a growing consensus among scientists that the Act could be more effective if it were updated to incorporate the latest scientific knowledge.  Such improvements would include: 1). a greater emphasis on the whole ecosystem and habitat of an affected species, instead of the focus on just the species itself. 2). a pro-active "early warning: approach, instead of the present "emergency room" situation. 3). stronger efforts to involve private landowners in species conservation through financial rewards and incentives as well as joint planning.

Recently, Congressman George Miller (D-CA) introduced HR 2351. the Endangered Species Recovery Act, along with 55 co-sponsors from both parties.  HR 2351 embraces all the new concepts outline above and represents a positive pro-active approach to modern endangered species protection.
the Federation of Western Outdoor Clubs endorses and supports HR 2351.  We also urge that a companion bill be introduced in the Senate as soon as possible.  The FWOC fully supports the efforts of the Endangered Species Coalition to pass HR 2351.


F.W.O.C. urges its member clubs and members to write their Congressperson and urge them to become co-sponsors of this bill.

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