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1997 FWOC Resolution No. 5


Commercial logging in the National Forests has always been a privilege, not a legal right.  The basic law establishing the National Forest System, the Forest Organic Act of 1897, states that the purpose of the new system was to first "protect the forest," and only then to "furnish a supply of timber and water."
Since then the Forest Service has followed a policy of allowing large scale commercial logging to occur -- with devastating impacts on the forest environment.  This policy has not only NOT protected the forests, it has caused terrible damage in the form of scarred and eroded landscapes, silted and polluted streams, degraded wildlife habitat and species driven to extinction, as well as 90% loss of ancient and native forests.
The Forest Service's commitment to logging as the primary activity in forests is the main cause of this problem.  For the last 50 years, the timber industry has brought enormous pressure to bear on our national forests through the political process.  It has pushed for "allowable cuts" up far beyond anything sustainable; it has circumvented or weakened environmental regulations and it has bitterly opposed every effort to create new preserves, wilderness areas and parks.  Its last effort was the infamous "logging without laws" rider to the 1995 Supplemental Appropriations bill.  This rider ordered logging on ancient forest and wildlife habitat with the suspension of environmental laws.

It is now clear that neither the timber industry nor Forest Service can be trusted to protect our priceless National Forest, their scenic beauty and wilderness, their wildlife and fisheries, or outdoor recreation experiences, as long as commercial logging is allowed.
Therefore, the Federation of Western Outdoor Clubs calls for a cessation of all commercial logging in national forests.  Logging for administrative purposes, for subsistence, public safety, the safety of adjacent private property of the restoration of wildlife habitat (based on sound scientific principles) would still be allowed.


F.W.O.C. urges its member clubs and members to send this resolution to President Clinton, their Senators and congressional representatives.

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