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1997 FWOC Resolution No. 9:


For many years, the FWOC has addressed the conflicting demands of hikers and bicyclists on hiking trails.  Despite regulations restricting bicyclists to certain areas and to certain conduct, numerous and constant reports of violations are reported, but individuals responsible are unaccountable due to the difficulty in identifying them.  While bicyclists generally insist that they are courteous both to the terrain and to hikers and equestrians, the FWOC regularly receives reports of trail damage and of injury to hikers and equestrians.  Witnesses to incidents of bicyclist trail abuse and discourtesy are usually powerless to mark adequate reports due to lack of adequate means of identifying the perpetrators of lawlessness.  This occurs because of the speed by which the bicyclists get away, as well as the lack of any means of identification.
If bicycles were required to be registered and to have affixed licenses both on front and back, it would increase accountability of bicyclists.  Most states do not have state licensing of bicycles.  Some, like California, have licensing only by local ordinance.  Although local ordinances requiring licensing might have some effect, most have never licensed bicycles.  With the rise in popularity of mountain biking, bicyclists regularly traverse numerous locations and jurisdictions with non-existent or conflicting licensing requirements.  As a result, virtually no mountain bicycles, and few non-mountain bicycles are licensed.
One partial solution to the enforcement of existing rules, regulations and laws is to make the individual bicyclist accountable for any infractions.  This starts with identifying the bicyclist from a license required to be affixed on the front and back of the bike, with sufficiently large letters and/or numerals as to be visible from a reasonable distance.

Revenues from the licensing procedure should be set at a level adequate to cover the administration and manufacture of the bicycle licenses.  The Federation of Western Outdoor Clubs believes that the California State Department of Motor Vehicles could take on this additional licensing responsibility.  The revenues could be supplemented by any fines required to be paid for infractions of bicycling laws, rules and regulations.
The Federation of Western Outdoor Clubs supports policies requiring the state licensing of bicycles in California.

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