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1998 FWOC Resolution No. 15:
California Parks and Resources Bond Act
Californians are very
proud of their excellent system of local, regional, and state
parks. For over 60 years, Californians have wisely invested in
this sytem of parks in order to establish good recreational and scenic
attractions. However, in recent years, budget and economic
constraints have adversely affected protective and improvement work
needed for these parks and have severely inhibited the state's ability
to obtain additional park facilities to serve its growing
population. This has resulted in the disrepair and overcrowding
of many park facilities.
For these reasons, there
is now a great need to make additional reasonable and cost-effective
investments in California's park, recreation and conservation areas,
with emphasis on the following:
1. Make parks safer.
2. Repairing and restoring worn-out and damaged facilities.
3. Providing for greater access to enjoy park facilities by
building and improving restrooms, campgrounds and trails.
4. Protecting scenic, conservation, historical and archeological
resources and water quality.
5. Meeting California's growing needs so that current and future
generations have adequate park, recreation, and conservation facilities.
California Senate Bill #2
(Thompson) provides for the issuance of general obligation bonds in the
amount of $849,500,000. This bill will be submitted ot he voters
at the general election to be held on November 3, 1998. If
approved by the electorate, this bond issue will authorize a program
for the acquisition, development, improvement, rehabilitation,
restoration, enhancement and protection of park, recreational,
cultural, historical, fish and wildlife, lake, riparian, reservoir,
river, and coastal resources.
The Federation of Western
Outdoor Clubs supports California Senate bill #2, a Parks and Resources
Improvement Bond Act.
ACTION: The FWOC urges its
member clubs and members to publicly support the passage of
California Senate Bill #2 in the November 3, 1998, general election.